From experience, a good number of parents enroll their children into sporting activities to keep them busy. But recently, we’ve seen an upsurge in parents who enroll their children into sports with the goal of attaining the highest possible level in a sport.
Unfortunately, not many sporting institutions offer a structured program because they got used to the sports for fun approach.
At iQTennis, we have developed tennis programs that follow the ITF tennis progression standards. We start training at the beginner level, with the sponge balls/red balls then progress then to the orange balls, the green dotted balls and finally advance the players to the green balls.
At each of these stages, we have specific key performance indicators(KPIs) that we look out for that help us track the progression of a student. Once these KPIs are attained, then the student is promoted to the next level. The KPIs include: Motor skills, hand-eye coordination, tennis serve, tennis forehand, tennis backhand, agility, among others.
If a student enrolls with us having played tennis before, we carry out an assessment and sign them up at the level most suitable for them.
At the end of each calendar year we prepare an assessment report that shows the progression the student has made and areas that need improvement. The students are also enrolled in tournaments at the level suitable for their skillsets in order to see their progression as compared to their peers. Thereafter we recommend whether the student should be promoted to the next level or not.
Click here to learn more about our Kids Tennis programs and enroll your children.
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